The Fairy's Flowers is inspired by ten ethical principles. This story has been circulating around the world in many schools as a favourite for the past 20 years. The ethical principles in The Fary's Flowers also form the basis of Neohuanist education which is practiced in moe than 1000 schools around the world. Neohumanist education is firmly rooted in the philosophy and principles of Neohumanism, which stands for 'the practice of love for all creation including plants, animals, and the inanimate world.'
This charming story has been circulating around the world in many schools and homes as a favourite for the past 20 years. Finally it is in a wonderfully illustrated book form.The Fairy’s Flowers was originally written by Mukti Devi from Israel and adapted by Didi Anandarama. The illustrations are by Masa Lenuzzi, a high school student in Karlovac, Croatia who won first prize in last year’s ‘My first book’ contest organised by CNS in Croatia.
“One is to be moulded in one’s childhood. If one receives the fundamentals of education in the formative period of one’s life, one will keep oneself alright in the teeth of the greatest trials and tribulations in life. A bamboo, when green, can be shaped or bent in any way you like. Once it ripens, any attempt to reshape it will break it.” Shrii P. R. Sarkar
This book is offered in partnership with the Ananda Marga Gurukula Publications and is part of a genre of benevolent books offered through the Neohumanist College of Asheville Press.
Product Details
Publisher: Ananda Marga Gurukula Publications (2006)
Language: English
Paperback: 32 pages
ISBN-10: 81-7632-094-3
Reading age: 3 - 10 years
The Fairy's Flowers
This book is shipped from the Neohumanist College of Asheville.